Interview with Rhodz of Sadistic Messiah (Brazil)

Questions by Sandi Mujanovic & answers by Rhodz Costa

Question 1:
What's your pseudoname and role in Sadistic Messiah? Any line-up changes,

Hi Sandi! Great to answer to you bro! My name are Rhodz Costa and i response to write the songs like riffs arrangements and all the stuff.
We got some members now to play live! The guys are, Italo Dourado on guitars, Vinicius Corvo on Bass, Vinicius Talamonte on drums and Danilo And myself

Question 2:

What Brazilian thrash bands do you recommend to us?

Warbound, Atropelo, Trioxine, Infector Cell, Evilcorpse, Deathgeist and Sacrifix

Question 3:
Do you agree Dehumanizing Peocess sounds much better than your debut? How did you improve, new influences?

Totally! We sounded like Demolition Hammer, Sepultura, Kreator and Exodus! We wanted more brutal , heaviness and speedness THaN High Voltage Demons And i think we got it

Question 4:
What is your favorite Sepultura album?

Beneath The Remains

Question 5:

Do you know Cogumelo Records? Maybe if your band was from the eighties they gave you a deal?

They are responsible for all the brutal bands here in Brazil. And they are a legendary record label! It would be incredible to be part of those who lived at that time! Who knows, we could have made a deal with them! It would be amazing! But if you know? I feel good about living nowadays lol

Question 6:
Have you ever played live? If yes is there footage on youtube?

YES! We did some shows last year and we do some now on 2024! We have some footage on our YouTube channel

Question 7:
do you listen other styles of music besides metal?

Lots! I like the 80'pop bands, new wave, and much more

Question 8:

Do you fear a nuclear power game between countries in the future?

YES! lthough I am far from Europe and the Middle East, I am afraid that something will happen in the future! We live in dark days and the leaders of some nations are totally insane

Question 9:
What are the future plans for your band? Maybe play United States or Europe live?

I think its very difficult to happen cause we are the third world and our money and situation are a real mess! Unfortunately we dont have money enough to put the band on first pages of the metal media!

Question 10: (last one):
What city you prefer, Sao Paulo or Rio? Who has more maniacs?

Rio are a Amazing City but its in São Paulo City that things happen in metal! I lived all my life in São Paulo, so, i prefer here!