Interview with main member of Deteriorot

Questions by Sandi Mujanovic & answers by main member of Deteriorot (USA)

Hell-o members of Deteriorot

Since the internet is full of information about metal bands these days, let’s get into some stuff they don’t know yet…

Question 1:
Deteriorot debuted onto the death metal scene with a demo in 1992 if I’m correct, how was it received in the underground and how many copies were sold or traded initially? Did you get good or sometimes bad reviews too?

Fortunately to this day, I have yet to ever see a bad review on any DETERIOROT, although I myself may be my own worst critic. DETERIOROT didn't debut onto the scene in 1992. We had been under the name Mortuary from 1988-1989 with 2 previous demos under that name, so we were playing shows already for quite a few years and had 2 different deals going on 1 with Thrash Records in 1989, not long after we wanted to change the name to DETERIOROT and introduce a more downtuned heavier direction. So we signed on with Afterworld Records and made an EP in 1990 to be released in 1991. Delays from the label and lots of time wasted. The label had some issues and by 1992 we then recorded our next release which is Demo 92. But we had many of our previous recordings already sent around tape trading for 3 years prior and underground zones. I couldn't tell you how many copies as we didn't keep track of that. We were 15 and 16 year old kids just dubbing out music on blank cassettes. We must have given our hundreds at just going to shows instead of selling them in order to gain a Fanbase.

Question 2:
Finally after years the band unleashed it’s first full-length album in 2001, was it recorded analog or digitally?

It was recorded on 24 Track Analog Tape

Question 3:
What kind of label is WWIII that released your debut album? Little is known about them, are they your friends from way back?

I think a lot was known about WWII at that time by the Underground scene that was around at that time. Everyone that followed the scene knew because it was publicized and even on the albums credit Enrique Chavez of Sadistic Intent appears as the Executive Producer of WWII. It was a sub label of a Major Label "American Music Corp" also know as AMC. It had major label retail distribution throughout all of the United States.

Question 4:
Would you say The Rebirth is your best work so far? What are stand out songs from it that fans love?

I think it's our best album. Fans are very picky and usually it's very difficult for a Death Metal Band with releases in the 90's to have fans consider their newer work because many times fans only listen to the 90's stuff and will only know you for it. It's more common even with younger fans that are old school worshippers. But it is a huge surprise for me to have fans and media tell me and others in social media that The Rebirth is our best album. I think a standout song for the album is Dark Embrace. It's reminiscent of the Finnish Vibe from 1990 and I wanted something to capture that sound and influence.

Question 5:

Did you propose a question to Xtreem Music to release your album or they approached you themselves, was there a contract signed?

The details of our contract is private. I have had a great relationship and brotherhood with Dave of Xtreem since he was the man that signed a record deal for me in 1992 under the label we worked with them when they were "Drowned Productions".

My own music publishing and management today is under Faithless Entertainment via Faithless Records and we license DETERIOROT to a network of labels in different regions that specialize in one specific format Globally and it's like a family. Xtreem is licensed to release in all formats and they have always been very good to me and has great Distribution throughout Europe and other parts of the world.

In the USA I'm more focused on being able to have my music merchandise available for our own direct retail sales. So fans can buy directly from my merchandise page on Bandcamp which is the main platform we use, or they can purchase at our live shows. Xtreem can have more of the market of wholesale which is something they are great experts at with such a history of experience behind them. I have a few labels that specialize in cassette only. So we have a good network and team working with us.

Question 6:
Who are your main death metal band peers in New Jersey? You know the band Vivisect? No I don't know Vivisect, I had to look em up on Metal Archives and I see it's a newer band. I have not resided in NJ since 2008 which is 16 years ago. I am around 10 hours of a car drive south from there in North Carolina near South Carolina. But my peers from the early days who I am still friends with today would be Ceremonium, Disma, Funebrarum, Abazagorath, Revenant , Ripping Corpse, Suffer, Evoken, then NY bands Immolation, Mortician, Suffocation, Internal Bleeding,

Question 7:

Why do you think there is more fascism in black metal as opposed to death metal? Even though both spread malignancy, you agree? I don't know the answer. I don't know if it's more about one genre having a fascination with war, world war ii events, maybe even going back to Slayer days when that was considered extreme music and for shock value, songs like Angel of Death can be an influence to a genre that uses satanic imagery as their art of trying to push boundaries and the other genre of Death Metal having also varied influences but the gore themes was probably more prominent from the influence of Death, Autopsy, Obituary. Just some random thoughts on direction of the different metal genres. Just one way to analyze it, but my opinion is only a guess of why. Who really has the answer? Is there a definitive answer to this question? Maybe not? But it is an interesting topic to hear different answers and different opinions

Question 8:

Why didn’t you record an album before 2001, you are already running long in the scene, got into some private problems or line-up changes?

This question has been long long answered in many interviews. We had already started the process to record In Ancient Beliefs album in 1993 to be released in 1994. Drowned Productions releases Rottrevore and then we had lot's of delays in waiting for the payment for the studio recording. Another year passed by and we received some terrible news on the mail that the Rottrevore album would be the last and final release of Drowned Productions. We were all very disappointed and discouraged with the music industry by then. We were very young still. 17, 18, 19 years old. I know I felt depression and I think the other members of the band did as well and we never had a fight or a disagreement at this time, we just happened to stop communicating with each other. I had to focus now on working and paying bills, my father was in a car accident and from 1997 to 1999 I had to be by his side. Around 1999 I had spoken with our drummer and friend Jon and we spoke about how we never released this great album we had from 1993 In Ancient Beliefs and I then called Dave from Drowned Productions which he was now with Repulse Records. He was happy to release the album and we finished recording it fully and by 2000 Repulse also had issues. The label was partnered is what my understanding was and unfortunately they had to close and the existing record contracts were then licensed out to WWIII in the USA and Blackend in Europe

Question 9:
Where do you think the death metal scene is headed in 10 years or so, will they start experimenting and including new elements?

Are you satisfied with how the death metal scene is functioning now? I think the Death Metal Scene has gone in a great direction today. Many bands bringing back that original sound and I think in 10 years the true OSDM sound will still be there. Anything outside of it will be for posers only ??

Question 10:
Did New Jersey change after they finished filming The Sopranos, more youth crime? Do you like that show at all?

Life is not like TV. I don't really care for TV or movies

Question 11:
Did Deteriorot ever play Europe? If yes, what countries?

Been to Europe a couple of times already We just had a European Tour just a few months ago. I'm surprised you weren't aware or come to a show. We did 21 dates. I'll just attach the tour dates with one of the pics you requested and you can list the countries if you'd like.

Question 12:
Where was the first ever live gig of the band played, is there any footage of it? The first gig was in 1988 in Randolph NJ. Yes there is footage of it.

Question 13 (last one):
Who is the main song-writer in the band and will preparations for a new album start soon

I'm the songwriter, composer, producer. The next album is already in the beginning phase of recording this month. Thanks again for the interview and thank you to the fans of DETERIOROT and the Death Metal Underground Scene.