Reviews of underrated Mexican underground bands part 1
Written by Ser Trev for Leukoplakia Zine and handed out with Ser's permission to feature on Rugged Rendezvous

During the past decade, a lot of good recording were spawned in Mexico. Even with the beginning of the social media exposure, there is still an unawareness of most of them, mainly because the lack of promotion from the same bands or the labels that don’t have a massive reach. For this occasion, I will review 15 of those recordings almost unknown outside Mexico but that are so fucking good that deserve more exposition. Most of these recording can still be found for sale in some Facebook groups or distros around the world.

ASTAROT (México) – “Gateway Microcosm” – Metallic Media – 2015

Third full length of this very active one-man project from Irapuato, Mexico. Very melancholic and atmospheric music, almost instrumental. The passages created by the tracks are very deep, despite of their simple manufacture. The music of ASTAROT holds on the keyboards in most of the CD. Some screams from time to time –not the usual wolf-like howls that can be annoying on the majority of these bands-, but only to increase the anguish of this work. The electrical instruments (guitar, bass) and drums are almost absent, resulting in a very intimate and reflexive CD. ASTAROT definitively is not your average “depressive black metal band”. The music of ASTAROT goes in a different way, betting for the originality and refusing the trends. This is a great CD that needs all your attention and worth every cent that you pay for it. 7.5 out of 10

HELLNOMORF (Mexico) – “Depressions” – American Line Productions / Diabolus Productions – 1998/2016

First full length of this cult classic death metal band that was canned for 18 years and finally saw the light in 2016. These two Mexican labels decided to rescue this material with not mastering at all, maybe for cost avoidance or for the nostalgia of keeping the raw mid-nineties sound of this band. What we have in this CD is a basic death metal sound, in moments sounding like the first DEICIDE, with few but interesting breakouts and a good guttural voice work. This recording has all the sound of nostalgia, keeping the demo tape sounding. A very simple presentation of the booklet with lyrics. Only 8 tracks of a decent death metal that make justice to a very underrated band that reunited in 2019 for other recording that also almost no one knows. A collector’s item. 6.8 out of 10

PROFANATOR (México) – “Mvtter Vicivm” – Chaos Records – 2015

Third production from this Mexican Slayer worshippers that begins and ends with furious and violent in-your-face thrash with some hints of the most blasphemous death metal. You can notice since the first track the band’s evolution, with thick and fast sound. A CD with no rest, no friendly melodies, no moshing parts, no Bay area shit. This is pure thrash death with a punk attitude. With no doubt, PROFANATOR is one of the best representatives of Mexican extreme metal and a project that for strange reasons is not well-known abroad Mexico. A must. 7.8 out of 10

RAVENOUS DEATH (México) – “Ominous Deathcult” – Diabolus Productions / M.A.T. Records / Detonation Records – 2017

Catchy and obscure death metal -in the vein of old DEMIGOD and most recently, HORRENDOUS- of this combo from Guadalajara, that bring us their debut EP via three Mexican very known labels. I really liked the dark sound created by their guitar riffs and an extraordinary voice work. The influences are only references, because RAVENOUS DEATH have their own style and this is a very odd characteristic of a new band nowadays. A simple booklet with lyrics and black and white layout, that personally I think it deserved a better front artwork. Only five tracks with less than 20 minutes’ length, that are enough to prove that this band is one of the new gems of the Mexican death metal scene. Worth to check them out. Excellent! 8.0 out of 10

VOCIFEROUS (México) – “God of Perversity” – Dark Recollections Productions – 1992/2016

Another dark and almost unknown Mexican band from Monterrey, México. There is not much information about them, just that they existed under a brief period at the beginnings of the nineties. In 1992 they recorded this demo, then a rehearsal tape in the same year and then banished. Last updated news about VOCIFEROUS is that they reunited again some moment in 2016. Maybe that was the reason for the reissue of the demo on CD format, via Dark Recollections Productions. This is a very basic death doom, with a slow pace and no blast beats. GOATLORD or DERKETA influences you can find in their music, but I think they are a lot more basic. The bonus track "The Feast of the Ancient Witches" where they included keyboards is the best of the CD. It has included two more live extra tracks, one of them a BATHORY cover. This is a CD for the collectors of metal history. A band with technical limitations -because of their youth- was reflected in this recording. But even with that, they are a piece from the puzzle of Mexican underground metal history. I wonder what would have happened if they would continue and polished their sound. A band with a great potential. 6.9 out of 10

BLUTKRIEG (México) – “Blooddawn” – Azermedoth Records - 2016

Almost nothing of information, I could gather from this band (?) or project from Mexico City. The few data that I have is that they (?) used to name FUNERAL RAIN and recorded only one demo. Then, they switched to the current band name, recording three demos first and then this CD via Mexican label Azermedoth Records in 2016. Talking about their music, despite of sounding very saturated this CD is very interesting. Tracks with more than five-minute length creating deep dark atmospheres. Incidental keyboards give a thicker obscurity to the music. Black Metal at its best. Agonic & uncompromised, straight and raw. The CD presentation is very humble, black and white layout and with not a single picture from the band. Could something be as obscure as this? A CD for fans and for ears that enjoys this type of recordings. Very anguishing music, not for all moods but it deserves that you put it at high volume. 7.0 out of 10

ARTWAR (México) – “Covered in Blood” – Mayko’s Records - 2016

Another hit from Tampico, México. ARTWAR is a band that was almost a decade without making any noise. Since their demo from 2002 "Por el Placer de la Sangre" ("For the pleasure of blood", title translation), until this awesome 2016 breakdown, they just keep them at a very low profile all these years. The change of the vocalist was quite a benefit, and in consequence, their style improved as well. Nowadays, ARTWAR sound very powerful in this, their more recent CD, and immediately I got hooked until the last track. Thrash metal with a blend of the bloodiest death metal. As a reference, you can name TESTAMENT's "The Gathering". Imagine how powerful this CD is. Guttural voices on this CD is a part of their original style and immediate reference. The presentation of the CD is just top notch. Great design, good picture selection, and a guitar pick with the logo of the band were great moves for the fans. Talking about the recording, this is very well balanced, all instruments’ sounds at their best. A good work behind the console by a Russian with unpronounceable name that made the job in Moscow. I can keep writing about the virtues of this CD, but instead I'll say that go and get it and support good Mexican bands!!! without a doubt, this is one of the best records made in our land. 7.9 out of 10

EXUMBRAS (México) – “I.T.S.E.” – Dementium Records – 2015

Mexican black metal, let's be sincere, have not much good bands nowadays. It's kind of hard to find some project that take some risk with its music or style. I purchased a pack of CDs via internet, without knowing nothing about them -I need to stop doing that shit -. I need to be honest: Most of them were absolute rubbish, precisely because they were classical raw black metal without passion or an interesting proposal. Only few of them caught my attention. Among them was this one that I'm reviewing. EXUMBRAS is a one-man-band from Guadalajara, México, composed by VASTIT who is in charge of all the music and lyrics. Contrary of what I was thinking, I.T.S.E. (I don't know the meaning of those initials) is a CD that despite of the -perhaps intentional- low sound quality, offers a lot of interesting passages and creates doomy atmospheres, combined with the raw and LO-FI sound of all songs structures. A recommended CD if you like to listening interesting, "out of the box" black metal, but keeping that traditional rawness and simple style. A lot of Finnish black metal influence I can hear on this CD, especially to SARGEIST and SATANIC WARMASTER. "Unexpected Suicidal Thought" is, according to my opinion, the best track. Interesting fact about EXUMBRAS: Is a member of U.C.F.N. - "UMBRATILLIS COETUS FLAMMARUM NIGRUM" Horde, an "association" with unknown approach; along with IMMATURA MORTE, black metal band from Guadalajara, México. 7.0 out of 10

MATALOBOS (México) – “Arte Macabro” – Concreto Records – 2016

A great surprise was for me this top-notch melodic doom death band from Guanajuato, Mexico. This CD debut reflects a dedicated and powerful work as musicians, where immediately can be noticed the influence of giants like KATATONIA, PARADISE LOST and ANATHEMA. I feel very proud writing about a Mexican band with this level of quality. I’m very sure that this band will have a bright future, because they are very skilled and talented. The anguishing and depressive musical rollercoaster where the acoustic parts with the slow paced electric guitars are combined with the furious guttural voice and the amazing drums and bass lines, make a fantastic final result. Obviously, there are no catchy melodies in this CD, but sadness and suffering, through a grand quality musical injection. Highly recommended. 8.9 out of 10

DEMONIC MANIFESTATION (México) – “Necrokult” – M.A.T. Records – 2017

Amazing second production of this Swedish fat death metal sound worshippers from Colima. Probably there is nothing new under the sun, but I need to admit that DEMONIC MANIFESTATION knows exactly how to play this kind of death metal and at the same time, keep honest and fresh. An almost perfect album by the genre, with this thick guitar sound and down tuned voice, that reminds me to GRAVE but with a little of modern sound. When I listened their first CD a couple years ago, I expected something as killer as that by their next opus, and DEMONIC MANIFESTATION didn’t disappoint me at all. This is an enjoyable album with a fat sound. I expected a better presentation, but the killer songs and great lyrics work compensates the humble layout and booklet. A must for fans of the classic Swedish death metal scene. 8.3 out of 10

REMAINS (México) – “Evoking Darkness” – Ablaze Productions – 2015

Mexico City based old school death metal combo shows their power and crushing sound in this second album, presented in a digipack. A noticeable more complex music is evident, result of their dedication and hard work. The tribute and worship of the old ones like Incantation and Vader is blended with their own touch, making this CD an instant classic of extreme music in our country. I really like the way they stick together all the song structures with the low tuned growls. The combination is amazing. The guitar work is fantastic, and the drum parts are devastating. Eleven tracks –including a CENTINEX cover- of pure and bloody death metal that stinks of open casket and morbid invocations of horrific gods. This is a great material to a non-stop head banging. An enjoyable album from beginning to end. Highly recommended. 8.4 out of 10

QUESTION (México) – “Gnosis Primordial” – Chaos Records – 2017
27 minutes of pure and crushing death metal in the best form. Mixing is incredibly well equalized, where it can be noticed the great bass work among with the drums and guitars. Perhaps the voice is not their best strength but the great music and lyric work balances the final result. Melodic parts are abundant and catchy, creating deep dark passages. If somebody thought that old times were the best talking about Mexican underground metal, it should turn their heads towards fantastic bands like QUESTION. Mexico is witnessing a revival of extreme metal with these incredible bands. It worth give it a chance and listen CDs like “Gnosis Primordial”. You won’t regret at all. 8.4 out of 10

MORBICUS (Mexico) – “Forsaken in Sadistic Torment from Hell” – Dark Recollections Productions - 2018

MORBICUS was a very obscure band from Reynosa that I knew in college via their drummer that later became one of my big friends and my own personal metal dealer at that era. They were very active in the nineties playing along with local and foreign bands at gigs celebrated in small venues around the Mexican border. Out of the sudden, MORBICUS disappeared from the scene. They used to home dub and sell their demos at the gigs. For that reason, very few copies of those demos survive at these times. The vocalist in some moment of 2012 distributed a CD-R compilation with MORBICUS’ first four demos from the nineties (1992’s “Occult Things from Hell”, 1993’s “The Trial of Torment”, 1994’s “Sadistic Immolation” and 1996’s “Forsaken in Dejection”). A good response of this CD-R allowed a Mexican label reedited this compilation in a professional CD in 2018. The result was a piece of nostalgia from the 90 underground metal scene. Death metal with a lot of grindcore elements and a big dose of Slayer, remembering to the very first CANNIBAL CORPSE in some moments. MORBICUS was one of the best examples of being a headbanger horde with attitude, heaviness and fun. I just can’t stop thinking what would happen if MORBICUS would polish their sound and would record in better conditions. Despite the poor lo-fi sound of their demos, the hooky, down tuned sound was heavy as hell. Grab this if you can, and enjoy one of the best acts in the Mexican underground. 7.9 out of 10

ABYSSAL (México) – “Anchored” – Concreto Records – 2015
Another big surprise hit the mailbox some years ago with this amazing CD with only ONE track (30+ minutes length) of slow, despairing, asphyxiating funeral doom metal. The slow-paced music and the low tuned growls of the sole track (“Anchored”, same as the CD title) drives you to an undersea trip, to the deepest caves of the sea underworld. While you listen to ABYSSAL, the choking feeling of salted water filling your lungs while your body is drowning deep under the sea can be testified. Well elaborated music, with the lowest revolutions ever, agonic and desperate, yet beautiful and revealing. Another band to follow up. If you like bands like German AHAB, this band will fill your morbid taste. Excellent proposal and amazing CD version, fourth production of this band from Tijuana. There is another cassette tape version as killer as the CD. Grab yours and drown yourself! 8.4 out of 10

TORMENT (México) – “Ad Meiorum Cthulhi Gloriam” – Macabre End Distro – 1993 / 2017

From the very depths of the vaults of the Mexican underground, this label rescued this lost gem of the true black metal from Monterrey. One of the best demos ever recorded in our lands. “Archaic Black Metal” as they call themselves to their own style in fanzines of the old times, with high influences of ABSU, ROTTING CHRIST and THOU ART LORD from the demo era. Very heavy music, mid paced, with tenebrous keyboards and decaying screams, the black metal of TORMENT drive to the listener in a state of suffering and anguish. For this commemorative reissue, SAMAEL and CELTIC FROST cover were added, a live track and a previous unreleased song, in a digipack with a mini booklet and two stickers. A good remaster improved all the included tracks, what makes more attractive this limited edition of 300 copies. A must have CD of a very underrated band which music nowadays still sounds fresh and evil. Collectible item. 8.5 out of 10